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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a student technology account?

所有目前注册的全日制和非全日制学生都有资格申请玛丽亚别墅技术账户. These accounts have been setup with your registration.

To activate your account:

  • 您必须阅读学院的计算机房政策和程序以及互联网可接受用户政策.
  • You must submit (to Computer Services, 一份签署的学生或员工帐户协议,表明您将遵守上述文件的条款,并且您理解下载受版权保护的材料是非法的,并将使您受到学院的纪律处分和可能的刑事和民事处罚.

协议表格位于开放计算机实验室(室). 计算机服务办公室(10、11和13室)或图书馆.

I have a computer at home. Do I still need a Villa student technology account?

If you intend to access the 图书馆 card catalog, use the Internet or e-mail, access your portal, register online, view your transcript, 或保存/打印, then you need an active technology account.

除了, your instructors may require certain assignments, such as discussion forums, 写笔记, or homework assignments, 这些工作只能在学院设施内的电脑上完成.

Without an activated account, you also cannot access specialized software packages, print on a network printer, or save on the network-attached storage device.

我试着登录电脑,我的用户名和密码似乎不起作用. What should I do?

第一个, 确保你输入的用户名都是小写的, with no spaces: your last name, first letter of your first name, and first letter of your middle name.

例子: 约翰问. Public would be publicjq.


If you’re still having problems logging on, stop by the Open Computer Lab, 房间13, or the Computer Services, 10号或11号房间, or call (716) 961-1841, (716) 961-1819, (716) 961-1820, or (716) 961-1817.

If you did not submit your required account form, 您的帐户将被停用,只有在表格完成并提交后才会被激活. If you tried logging on more than three times, and your account has been locked out, Computer Services can unlock your account for you.

I don’t know how to log on. What should I do?

每个电脑室都张贴了登录程序:13室, Room L-30 (Palisano Lab), and the 图书馆. The staff in the 图书馆, Academic Success Center, 电脑服务部将很乐意协助您办理正确的登录手续.

I’ve never used a computer before. What should I do?

和你的指导老师谈谈参加计算机课程或与计算机相关的课程. 微型计算机澳门新葡京娱乐,澳门新葡京网址I (CCS 102)是一门很棒的课程,它将为你提供计算机使用的基本介绍, 术语, and software applications.  You can also stop into the Academic Success Center, where an in-house tutor can provide you with assistance.

我从来没用过互联网,我还有一篇研究论文要交. What should I do?

Stop by the Villa Maria College 图书馆. 图书馆工作人员会向您展示互联网Search技术,并帮助您使用玛丽亚别墅学院提供的各种Search工具.

How do I use email?

You can access your e-mail through 邮箱. 去 www.别墅.edu 点击右上角的信封图标,然后输入你的用户名和密码.  Your username is your last name, the first letter of your first name, and the first letter of your middle name, all lower case with no spaces.


约翰问. Public Username: publicjq




I am interested in purchasing a computer. Can I purchase one through Villa?

计算机服务公司将很乐意为您推荐一些购买计算机的渠道,并回答您关于这些购买的任何问题.  学院书店备有各种计算机设备、软件和硬件. 书店的工作人员也可以帮助你购买电脑.

13室和L-30 (Palisano实验室)的计算机实验室什么时候开放?

检查每个设施的门,以确定设施打开的时间. 使用电脑系统是先到先得的. Facilities are available:

  • Monday – 星期四rsday, 7:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.
  • 星期五,早上7:30.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.


我们尽力提供熟悉计算机系统的计算机监控器,以便在可能的情况下帮助您完成登录程序. 但是,时间限制和训练有素的工作人员的缺乏限制了这种能力. 此外,监控器可能不熟悉系统上安装的所有类型的软件.

你的导师可以帮助你解决具体的课程要求,或者你可以向学术支持中心寻求帮助. If you’re still having trouble, 你可以考虑报名参加计算机或与计算机相关的课程.

I am a registered student at Villa. I was told that I have an email account. But when I try to access it, there is no account. 为什么?

您的帐户只有在您完成学生帐户协议表格后才会被激活. 如果没有,请在13、11或10号房间停下来寻求帮助.

I hear a lot about computer viruses. How do I know when one has attacked my computer?



  • Computer reboots without reason.
  • New symbolic pictures or messages show on the screen.
  • Unknown programs show up in memory.
  • 软件澳门新葡京娱乐,澳门新葡京网址程序或系统操作程序消失.
  • Unknown data files appear or existing files disappear.
  • 指示驱动器活动的灯没有明显的原因就开了又关.
  • Computer operations slow down.
  • Other computers in your work area have similar problems.

其他警告信号包括内存或磁盘空间减少, unusual error messages, unusual screen activity, failed program execution, 启动时系统启动失败,并且意外写入驱动器.

The threat of viruses is real. Protect yourself, your work and your computer. 不要打开未知发件人或没有(或不寻常的)主题的电子邮件. Never give anyone your username and password.

Can I use my laptop at Villa to access the Internet?

目前,整个学院大楼都有WIFI接入. Villa Net is used for unsecure access to the Internet.

Keep in mind that the wireless network is designed as a “shared” medium; as a result, 从互联网上下载大文件会影响WIFI的速度和响应速度,并中断所有WIFI用户的服务.