纽约州参议员蒂姆·肯尼迪(民主党-布法罗)获得1美元.2 million in grant funding for 德门大学’s Institute for Mobility Innovation & 新葡京娱乐玛利亚学院的技术(IMIT). The state-of-the-art facility will launch in collaboration with 别墅 Maria and 水牛 Rehab Group – offering access to leading robotic devices and assistive technology to restore motion and function following a range of injuries and illnesses.
参议员肯尼迪的社区弹性, 经济可持续性, and 技术 Program (CREST) funding will be used to construct and renovate the facility at 别墅. Daemen又筹集了1美元.75 million for specialty equipment and staff positions for the IMIT. The location on the East Side of 水牛 aims to address the pressing needs of underserved populations in the community.
“当德门, 别墅, and 水牛 Rehab Group came to my office and laid out their plans for the Institute for Mobility Innovation & 技术, and what it would become not only for the students they serve but for the greater Western New York population in need of post-acute rehabilitation services, 我知道我们必须做到,参议员蒂姆·肯尼迪说, 谁也是职业治疗师. “We know that post-acute care is critical to boosting cognitive function, 减少疼痛, 减少抑郁和焦虑的症状. 通过极限, 我们不仅投资于身体健康结果, 我们在心理健康方面进行投资, 自治, 以及人的独立性. 我很自豪能帮助推进这个项目, 我为达门鼓掌, 别墅, and 水牛 Rehab Group for weaving IMIT into student experiences that will inevitably instill an even stronger sense of compassion and a new perspective on critical thinking and problem-solving.”
The comprehensive facility will utilize advanced technology in a physical therapy-based clinic to provide treatment of spinal cord injuries, 中风, MS, 帕金森氏症, 以及运动损伤, 整形外科, 以及其他条件.
其核心是, IMIT is built on four interconnected components: clinical care, 宣传, 研究, 和教育. 通过这个CARE模型, the IMIT will be woven into the undergraduate and graduate educational experience at Daemen. Similarly, 别墅 Maria will integrate the IMIT into its academic programs and curriculum. 布法罗康复集团, the agreement with the two institutions will allow the practice to provide new patient services.
“移动创新研究所 & 科技致力于赋予运动力量, 恢复力量, 最大化健康,”医生说。. 加里·奥尔森,德门大学校长. “The IMIT represents not just the culmination of years of hard work and dedication but also the realization of a shared vision with 玛丽亚别墅学院 and 水牛 Rehab Group to provide exceptional care and support to adults and children needing advanced and specialized rehabilitation.”
“玛丽亚别墅学院 remains committed to serving the Western New York Community – especially our neighbors on 水牛’s East Side,”医生说。. 玛丽亚别墅学院院长马修·佐丹奴说. “我们很高兴能与布法罗康复集团合作, 德门大学, and Senator Kennedy’s Office to bring the Institute for Mobility Innovation & 科技融入我们不断发展的校园. The IMIT is filling a major need by making advanced healthcare more accessible, 特别是对于传统上服务不足的人群. Its creation aligns with our mission and core values and further demonstrates our deep dedication to creating a better, 更公平的布法罗.”
“Members of our community with physical limitations due to neurotraumatic or neurodegenerative conditions deserve world-class medical rehabilitation,杰夫·伍德里奇说, 布法罗康复集团的总裁兼首席执行官. “They need access to a state-of-the-art facility equipped with the latest technologies and guided by specialized, 有爱心的, and passionate Physical and Occupational Therapy team members. 水牛 Rehab Group is honored to be part of the collaborative efforts with 德门大学 and 玛丽亚别墅学院 in making this a reality.”
整个IMIT的规划, Daemen has conducted extensive community outreach including the establishment of an advisory board including patients with lived experience, 提倡, 以及ECMC的代表, Kaleida健康, 天主教健康, 杰里科路社区保健中心.