在我们每个人的内心, there is a will to explore and create change for the better—for ourselves and for others.
在新葡京娱乐玛丽亚学院,这是我们60多年来的一贯做法, from our beginnings as a teacher-training center for Felician Sisters in the 1960s through today, 崛起为一个小而强大的国家, 四年制男女同校大学,将学生培养成专业人士.
有目的地,我们的成长从来不只是为了成长. 我们一直都有一个共同的愿景. 玛丽亚别墅学院的转型记录, 机构和个人, 是由价值观驱动的吗, 弹性, and faith held by many like-minded people—people like you—who believe someday can be today.
有资格获得联邦助学金的学生, 是当地大多数私立大学的两倍
据《新葡京娱乐》报道,这是为了促进新葡京娱乐 & 世界最佳大学报告
of Vikings choose to stay in 水牛 after graduation so an investment in Villa is an investment in 水牛
Your commitment is an invaluable part of Villa Maria’s community of support—it makes it possible for our plans for the future to start right now.
Specify how you’d like your gift invested and make certain your support directly reflects what’s most important to you, 从学术项目到特殊项目.
We envision a Villa education that’s accessible to all inspired to grow here. 从教室到舞台再到运动场, help us realize that vision by supporting 玛丽亚别墅学院 scholarship programs.
From charitable trusts and gift annuity trusts to life insurance and outright bequests, 有很多有效的方法可以让给别墅的礼物成为你遗产规划的一部分.
一年ly contributions help us strategically invest and build strength in whatever areas need it most.
如果你有创意的新方法来投资别墅体验, 我们欢迎各种支持. To make a gift, get in touch with the 玛丽亚别墅学院 发展办公室 at 716-961-1823.
“玛丽亚别墅学院帮助我成长为我一直想成为的人. 学校欢迎我, 老师们激励着我, 我的朋友们一直鼓励和支持我. I never thought a college could shape a person as much as Villa has shaped me and I am so proud to be a Villa Viking.”
“我最初是被Villa Maria的学术课程所吸引. 在我决定回大学的时候, there weren’t a ton of colleges/universities offering people like myself – married, 和孩子们, 还有工作——获得平面设计学位的机会. 小班授课, along with having access to extremely talented professors contributed to my success as a designer. There’s absolutely nothing like learning from talented educators that have real life work experience AND care about your success. Professors Grizanti and Zack had such an impact on me during my time at Villa. They did a great job teaching my classmates and myself about what it would take to be a successful graphic designer with a career. Villa has developed a reputation for having one of the top graphic design programs in the city, 这个事实帮助我获得了一份很棒的实习工作, 就这样开始了我的职业生涯.”
——Carl Hunley, 15届,数字和平面设计师
“作为一个年轻人,我在新葡京娱乐的时光对我来说非常宝贵. I transferred to Villa from the University at 水牛 and found the small class setting and close relationships with professors, 还有所有的员工, to be something I brought forward with me into the next phase of my academic career and then to my professional career. Quality relationships are at the heart of my success and learning to generate those relationships was born out of my time at Villa. 新葡京娱乐让我第一次接触到了社会科学, 以及与人类同胞建立联系和相互理解的能力. This set the stage for me to go out on a limb to create what I needed in terms of my career.”
——Joy Kuebler, 1994年,室内设计师
“玛丽亚别墅学院对我的人生产生了重大影响. Prior to getting accepted into the PTA program I was unsure what career path I wanted to take. 我一直喜欢帮助别人,对健康和保健很感兴趣. 一开始,我就爱上了. After graduation, I was working at an orthopedic clinic when my life took a drastic turn. 一次工作事故让我瘫痪了,四肢瘫痪. 我在新葡京娱乐接受的教育有助于我的康复. It provided me with so much knowledge that I was able to use countless times to know what I needed to help myself get better. 治疗师变成病人的情况并不多见, but I’m glad I had the tools and skills needed to advocate for my own recovery. Now, almost 20 years after graduation, I’m doing things I never thought possible.”
“说新葡京娱乐改变了我的生活是轻描淡写的. 这是一次重大的转变经历,让我走上了现在的道路. 新葡京娱乐给了我一个学习动画的机会,同时又能留在当地. My professors always encouraged me when I needed it; going above and beyond to teach me all of the essentials I’d need in the field. This led me to get an internship, which allowed me to gain even more knowledge before I graduated. 我在新葡京娱乐的时光给了我终生的社区意识, 塑造了今天的我.”
——Kali Croisdale, 19岁,视频编辑
“I had a ton of preconceived notions about going to college…I’m not going to fit in, 我不属于这里,我很紧张. 我在上基础英语课时愤然冲出教室. 我的教授跟着我,即使我们正在上课. 那时我才意识到我真的不只是一个数字, 而是一个关心我的包容社区的一部分, 支持我, 在我身上看到了我自己没有看到的东西. The faculty at Villa saw my potential and worked tirelessly to build me up and help mold me not only as a student, 但是作为一个人. 被我贴上严格学术标签的东西, 学校的环境很快显示出它是家庭的.”